dengan senyuman dan acungan jempol. Pasti paman yang satu itu sudah me ترجمه - dengan senyuman dan acungan jempol. Pasti paman yang satu itu sudah me انگلیسی چگونه می گویند

dengan senyuman dan acungan jempol.

dengan senyuman dan acungan jempol. Pasti paman yang satu itu sudah melihat adegan kecil tadi.
Setelah acara tanda tangan selesai, pembawa acara mengumumkan Jung Tae-Woo akan membagikan hadiah khusus kepada sepuluh penggemar.
“Wah! Dia mau membagikan hadiah! Apa ya?” Young-Mi begitu bersemangat sampai tidak berhenti bergerak-gerak di tempat duduknya.
“Topi,” jawab Sandy tanpa sadar.
Jung Tae-Woo yang berdiri di samping pembawa acara berkata ia akan menghadiahkan sepuluh topi yang sudah dibelinya sendiri. Kepala Young-Mi langsung menoleh ke arah Sandy.
“Bagaimana kau bisa tahu?” tanyanya curiga.
Sandy menjadi serbasalah dan buru-buru berkata, “Cuma asal tebak. Biasanya artis suka memberikan hadiah topi. Kalau bukan topi ya gantungan kunci atau bros.”
Young-Mi tersenyum. “Mungkin kau benar. Dulu dia pernah memberikan hadiah bros untuk penggemarnya. Sayangnya waktu itu aku tidak kebagian.”
Topi-topi itu dibagikan kepada penggemar yang memenuhi syarat. Misalnya ketika pembawa acaranya bertanya siapa yang membawa poster resmi Jung Tae-Woo yang pertama, atau penggemar yang datang dari jauh, dan sebagainya. Ada juga yang dipilih secara acak dengan melemparkan bola, dan barang siapa yang menangkap bola itu akan mendapatkan hadiah. Semua orang bersenang-senang termasuk Sandy dan Young-Mi.
“Nah, sekarang kami hanya punya satu topi terakhir,” kata pembawa acara yang disambut jeritan para penggemar. Entah itu jeritan kecewa atau bahagia karena bagi telinga Sandy jeritan penggemar Jung Tae-Woo terdengar sama saja.
“Itu punyaku!” seru Young-Mi sekeras-kerasnya, berusaha mengalahkan teriakan penggemar lain sambil melambai-lambaikan kedua tangan ke arah si pembawa acara.
“Mungkin kalian ingat, sebelum acara dimulai kami meminta kalian menuliskan nomor ponsel kalian pada secarik kertas dan memasukkannya ke kotak besar yang di sana itu. Kalian tahu apa maksudnya?” tanya si pembawa acara.
terdengar gemuruh gumaman dari para penonton sementara mereka melihat ke kanan-kiri dan bertanya-tanya.
“Saya akan menjelaskannya,” kata si pembawa acara lagi dan suasana pun menjadi hening. “Begini, Jung Tae-Woo akan memilih salah satu nomor telepon di dalam kotak itu secara acak dan dia akan menghubungi nomor telepon itu. Barang siapa yang ponselnya nanti berbunyi, majulah ke depan, dan topi terakhir ini akan menjadi miliknya. Sekarang kalian harus memegang ponsel kalian dan pastikan ponsel kalian dalam keadaan aktif.”
Semangat para penonton melambung tinggi dan mereka sibuk mengeluarkan ponsel mereka. Sandy merasa ia sudah menjadi penggemar fanatik karena ia juga sedang memegang ponselnya penuh harap seperti Young-Mi.
“Sudah siap? Kita mulai ya?” seru Jung Tae-Woo yang disambut jeritan para penggemar.
Ia memasukkan tangannya ke kotak besar itu dan mengaduk-aduk, lalu mengeluarkan secarik kertas kecil. Para penggemar masih terus menjerit-jerit. Lalu Jung Tae-Woo mengeluarkan ponselnya sendiri dan membuka flap-nya. Jeritan ribuan penggemarnya semakin menjadi-jadi. Pembawa acara pun harus menenangkan para penonton dengan berkata mereka tidak mungkin bisa mendengar dering telepon kalau semua orang terus menjerit sepenuh hati seperti itu. Akhirnya suasana kembali hening, kini hanya terdengar bisikan lirih di sana-sini.
Jung Tae-Woo menekan-nekan tombol ponsel sambil melihat kertas kecil di tangannya, lalu menempelkan ponsel itu ke telinga. Kertas kecil tadi dimasukkan kembali ke kotak.
Detik-detik menunggu hubungan tersambung terasa begitu lama. Semua roang di sana menatap ponsel mereka penuh harap. Tiba-tiba terdengar nada panggil.
“Astaga!” Sandy berteriak kaget ketika ponsel yang digenggamnya berbunyi nyaring.
“Soon-Hee, ponselmu!” Young-Mi menjerit sambil tertawa histeris.
Para penonton mulai bersuara dan pembawa acara menyuruh Sandy berdiri dan menjawab ponselnya.
“Nona yang memakai baju biru, coba dijawab dulu. Apakah benar yang menelepon Jung Tae-Woo?”
Sandy sebenarnya tidak perlu menjawab karena di layar ponselnya muncul tulisan “JTW”, nama yang disimpannya untuk nomor ponsel Jung Tae-Woo. Memang benar Jung Tae-Woo yang meneleponnya, tapi Sandy tetap membuka flap ponsel dan menempelkannya ke telinga. Walaupun suasana saat itu riuh sekali karena orang-orang bersorak dan bertepuk tangan, ia masih bisa mendengar suara Jung Tae-Woo di telepon yang berkata, “Hei, majulah ke depan.”
Young-Mi mencengkeram lengan Sandy dan mengguncang-guncang keras tubuhnya. Sandy heran dari mana asal tenaga temannya itu. Akhirnya ia berhasil membebaskan diri dari temannya dan maju dengan dikawal dua penjaga. Jantungnya berdebar keras karena ini kali pertama baginya berdiri di depan orang banyak yang terus bersorak dan menjerit. Ia bolak-balik membungkukkan badan ke arah para penggemar juga kepada pembaca acara di panggung.
از: -
به: -
نتایج (انگلیسی) 1: [کپی کنید]
کپی شد!
with a smile and a thumbs up. Surely the one uncle was already seeing a small scene of yesteryear.After completion, the signature event emcee Announces Jung Tae-Woo will share a special prize to the ten fans."Wow! He wanted to share a gift! What are ya? " Young-Mi so eager to not stop to twitch in his seat."Hats off," replied Sandy involuntarily.Jung Tae-Woo who stood beside the emcee said he will give away ten hats who already bought their own. Head of Young-Mi, directly turned toward Sandy."How can you know?" he asked suspiciously.Sandy became serbasalah and rush said, "just the original guess. Usually the artist likes to give gifts hat. If it wasn't the CAP yes key chains or bros. "Young-Mi smile. "Maybe you're right. He never gave a gift to bros fans. Unfortunately the time I don't goto. "Hats-caps were distributed to fans who qualify. For example, when asked who his show carrier carried the official poster Jung Tae-Woo being the first, or the fans who came from far away, and so on. There are also selected at random by throwing the ball, and whoever catches that ball will get a prize. Everyone have fun including Sandy and Young-Mi."Well, now we only have one hat," said emcee who greeted the screaming fans. Whether it's the scream was disappointed or happy because for the ear to Sandy Jung fans scream Tae-Woo sound just the same."That's mine!" exclaimed the Young-Mi blast, trying to beat the other fans cry while waving both hands towards the host."Maybe you guys remember, before the event starts we request you guys to write down your phone number you guys on a piece of paper and put it into a big box in there it is. You guys know what it mean? "asked the host.Audible rumbling murmur from the audience while they look to right-left and wonder."I am going to explain it," said the emcee again and the atmosphere became hushed. "Put it this way, Jung Tae-Woo will be selecting one of the phone numbers in that box at random and he would call the phone number it is. Whoever her cell phone later rang, came forward, and last CAP it will be hers. Now you have to hold the phone you guys and make sure the phone you guys are in a State of active. "54The spirit of the audience soared and they are busy removing their phones. Sandy feels he has become rabid because he also was holding her cell phone full of hope as Young-Mi."Ready? We start Yes? "exclaimed Jung Tae-Woo who greeted the screaming fans.Put her hand to the big it and poking around, and then pulled out a small piece of paper. The fans still kept screaming. Then Jung Tae-Woo issued his own and open the flap. The screams of thousands of fans are increasingly rampant. Any presenter should soothe the audience by saying they might not be able to hear the phone ringing if everyone continues to scream vengeance is like that. Finally the atmosphere back silence, now just sounded softly whisper here and there.Jung Tae-Woo menekan-nekan button cell phone while looking at a small paper in his hand, and then attach the cell phone to the ear. Small paper earlier put back into the box.Second-second wait for a connected relationship feels so long. All roang there staring at their cell phone full of hope. Suddenly the call tone."Jeez!" Sandy shouting startled when the phone rang a loud digenggamnya."Soon-Hee, ponselmu!" Young-Mi screamed while laughing hysterically.The audience started to speak and emcee told Sandy stood up and answered her cell phone."Miss who wears a blue dress, try answered first. Is it true that calling Jung Tae-Woo? "Sandy is in fact no need to respond because her cell phone on the screen appear the words "JTW", the name kept for a mobile number Jung Tae-Woo. It is true that Jung Tae-Woo who call her, but Sandy remained open flap cell phone and paste it into the ear. Although the atmosphere when it's noisy as hell because of people cheering and clapping, he could still hear the voice of Jung Tae-Woo on the phone who said, "Hey, go ahead."Young-Mi, gripping the arms of Sandy and mengguncang-guncang hard body. Sandy wonder from where her friend had power. He finally managed to break free from his friend and forward with escorted two guards. His heart was pounding hard because this is the first time for him to stand in front of a crowd that kept cheering and screaming. He bowed back and forth in the direction of the fans also to readers of the events on the stage.
ترجمه، لطفا صبر کنید ..
نتایج (انگلیسی) 2:[کپی کنید]
کپی شد!
with a smile and a thumbs-up. Definitely one that uncle who had seen the little scene.
After the autograph session is completed, the emcee announced Jung Tae-Woo will share a special reward to ten fans.
"Wow! He wants to share the prize! What was it? "Young-Mi was so excited that has not stopped moving in his seat.
" Hats, "said Sandy unconscious.
Jung Tae-Woo who stood beside the emcee said he will award ten caps already bought their own. Young-Mi head immediately turned to Sandy.
"How do you know?" He asked suspiciously.
Sandy became awkward and hastily said, "Only the original guess. Usually the artist likes to give gifts hat. If it was not a hat or a brooch keychains yes. "
Young-Mi smiling. "Maybe you're right. She was once giving a gift to his fans brooch. Unfortunately at that time I did not miss out. "
The hats were distributed to fans who qualify. For example, when the host asked who brought the official poster Jung Tae-Woo is the first, or the fans who came from far away, and so on. There are also selected randomly by throwing the ball, and anyone who caught the ball will get a prize. Everyone had a great time including Sandy and Young-Mi.
"Well, now we just have one last cap," said emcee welcomed the screams of the fans. Whether it screams disappointed or happy because for the ears Sandy screams of fans Jung Tae-Woo sounded the same.
"That's mine!" Said Young-Mi as hard, trying to beat the cries of other fans, waving his hands toward the host.
"Perhaps you remember, before the event starts we asked you to write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it into a big box over there. You know what it means? "Asked the host.
Rumble murmurs from the audience as they look to the right-left and wondered.
" I'll explain, "said the emcee again and the atmosphere had become silent. "Look, Jung Tae-Woo will select one of the phone numbers in the box at random and he will call the phone number. Whoever cell phone rang later, come forward, and cap it would be his last. Now you have to hold your phones and make sure your cell phone is on. "
The spirit of the audience has skyrocketed and they are busy removing their phones. Sandy felt she had become a rabid fan because he was holding a cell phone full of hope as Young-Mi.
"Are you ready? We start huh? "Cried Jung Tae-Woo who welcomed the screams of the fans.
He put his hand into the big box and rummaged and pulled a small piece of paper. The fans are still screaming. Then Jung Tae-Woo issued his own cell phone and open the flap of his. The screams of thousands of fans became so. The emcee had to calm the audience by saying they might not be able to hear the phone ring when everyone kept screaming heartily like that. Finally, silence fell, now only heard a whisper here and there.
Jung Tae-Woo pressing the phone button while looking at a small paper in his hand, and pressed the phone to his ear. Small paper was put back into the box.
Seconds wait so long felt connected relationship. All roang there staring at their phones hopeful. Suddenly there was a dial tone.
"Gosh!" Sandy cried out in surprise when the phone clutched ringing.
"Soon-Hee, your cell phone!" Young-Mi screaming, laughing hysterically.
The audience began to speak and emcee told Sandy stood up and answered his cell phone .
"Ms. wearing a blue suit, trying to answer first. Is it true that calling Jung Tae-Woo? "
Sandy actually do not have to answer because at the phone's screen appear the words" JTW ", a name he kept for mobile numbers Jung Tae-Woo. It is true that Jung Tae-Woo called him, but Sandy kept open flap phone and put it to his ear. Although the atmosphere was boisterous all because people cheering and clapping, he could still hear the sound of Jung Tae-Woo on the phone saying, "Hey, come forward."
Young-Mi gripping the arms of Sandy and shake hard body. Sandy wonder where it came from her friend's power. Finally he managed to extricate himself from his friends and advancing escorted by two guards. Heart pounding because of this the first time for him to stand in front of crowds who continued to yell and scream. He leaned back and forth in the direction of the fans also to readers in the stage show.
ترجمه، لطفا صبر کنید ..
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