The prologueHE sipped his drink slowly and looked out the window. The snow began to fallagain. He stood there a moment, staring at the snow grains hoveringoutside.There are missing.A faint frown on her temple. Of course there are missing. He knows there's actually somethingmissing. It's just that he didn't know what it was missing. And if somethingmissing it is important or not.He drew a deep breath. Well ... maybe not something important.He spun turning against the window and looked around the room. HallIt's a great start. People look at each other, smiling, excited laugh, anda chat. A known, smiling and waving at him. He retortssmiled and raised his glass.Just at that moment he saw him.It's new people entered the room. His eyes flashing not watching itgreet some people smiling wide. Strange ... He himself does notcould divert the gaze.He saw him take a drink from the bertaplak round table whiteWhile conversing with someone standing next to him. Then peopleIt raised her face and looked across the room. Right back at him.Their eyes met and time seemed to stop.Weird as hell. His brain did not get to know that person. He was sure he didn't know the personit. But why it seems her heart says otherwise?Why his heart as if to say to him that he missed that guy?OneWinter has come and envelop the city of Tokyo. The wind was blowing a bit tonedThis evening. Keiko Ishida flicked the hair length to the back so as not toobstruct the view while he hustled down a small road and slackleading to his apartment building. She shivered because of the cold began to penetratethick jackets and sweaters. He wants to quickly get home, drink a cup ofhot chocolate, and eating ramen1. Think about it alone is making the stomacha rumbling. Dingni cold-this is indeed the most delicious ..."Hey!"Keiko terlompat shocked and rotating quickly. His eyes are staring staring at womenwith short hair dyed blond Scarlet are already standing next to it. Soidentify the woman as neighbour, Haruka Sato who lived in the apartmentdownstairs, Keiko breathed a sigh of relief."Haruka Oneesan2," Keiko sighed while holding the chest. "OneesanWhat surprised me half to death. "Haruka SATO mendecakkan tongue and smiled wide. "You're too easysurprised. ""Oneesan know I always feel misgivings if walking alone on the street deserted,"Keiko said. "And I have a good reason for it.""All right, all right. I'm sorry. Come on, quickly. I've been almost frozen, "saidHaruka while working arms of Keiko. "It looks like a lot of bawaanmu stuffonce. Did you bring the book again today? "
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